Keeping Things Together


Until further notice, I am not taking new clients. I am continuing to counsel and mentor current clients. Current sessions are by telephone. Normal service will resume as soon as possible.

This may come as a surprise to some. All the anxiety and fear that is being passed around right now, you’d think this is the time when people will want counselling more than ever.

The thing is, it’s my responsibility to take care of myself as well you. I need to be “fit for purpose”. For the time being, I don’t feel it would be ethical of me to invite more work than I can manage right now. I hope you understand. As I say, normal service will resume as soon as possible.

Meantime, I can still provide help and support via this here blog. If anyone out there wants to comment, share your experiences, please do.

Sorry to write this off the cuff. There’s a lot I’ve had to get my head around in the last fortnight. And I’ve had to do it fast. Haven’t we all?

In the coming days and weeks we’re all going to cope as best we can. For those whose immune systems are less effective, it’s going to be harder. The advice to stay indoors should be taken seriously.

A lot of people are learning what it is living life in isolation. We are all having to take extra care of our wellbeing. Keeping active, keeping a sense of routine and purpose is more important than ever. Anything that takes your mind off things will help keep us calm.

Here are a few links back to some helpful posts I’ve given you before:-

pacingMaintaining achievable goals & a rouine: SMART pacing

Art Therapy

Being creative: Expressive Art & Brain Injury

Journal keeping: Writing Therapy (Part One)

Writing Therapy

Writing stories: Writing Therapy (Part Two)

Take good care, all of you.
